Manifestation Action: The Making of High Vibe Home

“We're in motion, we're evolving. It's about transition. Not to sound cliche, but it actually is really about the journey rather than the destination.

Have you ever had an idea that was so big that you couldn't put it into words? Articulating it with the impact that it had inside your own mind was falling short? Me too. That's how I felt when I first discovered holistic styling and design, and because I couldn't quite explain the description, I wasn't getting the reaction that I was hoping for when I spoke on it.

Happy to report that after years of refining my vision and gaining clarity, I've nailed it now, and I'm sharing my process of how I gained clarity around my purpose.

Just like us, our ideas are works in progress. We're in motion, we're evolving. It's about transition. Not to sound cliche, but it actually is really about the journey rather than the destination. And when it comes to the "journey" of transitioning - from one job to another, from one relationship or home to another, or most importantly, from one mindset to another, the key is to start where you are. Read that again - start where you are. Drop the "if/ then" expectations, and use whatever tools and resources you have in this very moment, and start there.

And if trauma is what you're transitioning from? This is even more important. You might feel like your toolbox is empty. Like you're disempowered and have nothing to start with - and I can promise you that you do. I have been in that place, for longer than I'd like to admit, and I know this: if you are here and still breathing, you have power.

Taking action is reclaiming power. Starting where you are is reclaiming power.

This is the backstory behind my book, High Vibe Home. On the surface, it's beautiful, it's full of gorgeous images and practices rooted in wellness and energy work that will leave you with a home or office that feels as stunning as it looks. But behind the scenes - this is me, starting where I am. This work is the result of combining what at the time seemed like a far-fetched skillset - a designer & stylist, who teaches meditation, practices Reiki, works with Feng Shui & intuition, and speaks on moving through trauma? But that's what I knew. I began to view my design work as not purely aesthetic, but as a very tangible, relatable modality that could contribute to transformation, and that was it. Healing trauma through my creativity. That was the mindset shift that unlocked so much. That was my toolbox, so, like any alchemist would, I put the tools together, and re-shaped, and refined and refined some more, until I could finally share what I've learned in a way that would be supportive, empowering, and most importantly - actionable, from right where you are.


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